About Britannia & Company Restaurant, Fort, South Mumbai
Wakefield House, 11 Sprott Road, 16 Ballard Estate, Mumbai
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Today, 11:30 AM - 04:00 PM
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- The nonagenarian owner, Boman Kohinoor, often goes from table to table taking orders. If he approves of your order he will say 'good boy' or 'good girl' as the case might be
- The drink of choice with Parsi food is raspberry soda but non-Parsis will have to wrestle with Mr Kohinoor to get one as he hoards them for Parsis and tries to push the lemonade instead to those who are not
- Mumbai is often abuzz with rumours that this place will shut down. Mr Kohinoor says it will stay open as long as he is alive but is not sure if his sons, who sit at the counter, will persist after he goes
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