About Aami Bangali, Barasat, Kolkata
35B, Jessore Road, Rathtala, Barasat, Kolkata
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Today, 11:30 AM - 11:30 PM
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- Everything in the menu is palatable and extremely flavorful but make sure to try their signature dishes - ‘Kochupata Chingri Bhapa’ - steamed prawns cooked with colocasia leaves and ‘Chittol Muitha’ - fish kofta dumplings with thick Bengali gravy
- From their veg section, Bengali-style 'Alur Dum’ and ‘Baigun Bhaja’ - shallow fried eggplant slices marinated in traditional spices, are some great choices
- We also recommend trying their 'Mutton Thali' that consists of 'Rice', 'Dal', ‘Alu Bhaja Subzi’, their famous ‘Mutton Kosha’ and 'Chutney'
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